Problem solution essay sample: What to consider the difficulties and how to overcome them?

Posted on: 27th March 2020

Overcoming difficulties is a job that we regularly have to perform. After all, it is impossible to imagine a life without severities. They arise everywhere and always. It does not matter where and how a person lives, he or she will face certain life difficulties constantly because they are inevitable. Since they are inevitable, people need to be able to overcome them. To do it, you need to be able to correctly perceive them and correctly evaluate them, so that you can develop the necessary strategy for overcoming. All of this can be learned. This problem-solution custom essay sample is going to show how to do it. Here is what you should do step by step:

Perceive a problem correctly;

Analyze it correctly;

find the right solutions to overcome it and then immediately, to start the necessary actions.

Difficulties are such obstacles on the way of a person that arise in unfamiliar, unusual circumstances when a person has to solve non-standard and therefore difficult tasks, which people often call problems. It is difficult to judge what to consider as difficulty and what is not, because a person just does not know how to do this. It is so not only because it is a very complex issue.

Those obstacles and barriers that people perceive as difficulties arise primarily in people’ heads and are relevant to them. In reality, difficulties can be the same ordinary things that a person does in his or her life all the time, without even thinking about how difficult they are. However, if they turn out to be unusual and unfamiliar things that a person does not know how to do, they will be found as problems. In other words, we are talking about new life tasks, for the solution of which it is necessary to understand them clearly. Until the person does not understand them, they will remain difficulties.

What is the meaning of the difficulties?

So, let’s think why life can’t be such that there were no difficulties and problems in it at all, so that you could live and do not care about anything, and do not worry about any difficulties that always complicate and worsen our lives. Therefore, our life can’t be such. The absence of any problems, difficulties, obstacles, or challenges in it would make it very boring, not interesting, and senseless. The absence of difficulties in life would not allow it to develop. People would cease to develop, and everything would remain at the same level, nothing would change in our lives.

If a person does not develop, then he or she begins to degrade. After all, life itself is an ongoing process, a movement from something to something: from birth to death, from undeveloped to developed, from simple to complex, from one form to another. The need for no difficulties is not a normal need. A normal need is the need to solve problems. Only in this case, a person lives fully.

Therefore, this custom essay about problem solution shows that the meaning of the difficulties is to support life, make it interesting, give it meaning, and also to develop people. So life without difficulties is not life, it’s something else.

Overcoming difficulties

Having dealt with the correct perception of life’s difficulties and based on this perception of our attitude towards them, let’s move to ways of overcoming them. To do this, it is extremely important to identify the causes of their occurrence and to understand the basics of these reasons. That is, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of problems to understand why they arose and what the best way to overcome them is.

Some problems arise for objective reasons when life circumstances are not the best way for a person, and nothing can be done about it. A person needs to either accept reality as it is or look for opportunities to move away from it into another reality. However, it also happens that people drive themselves into difficult life situations and then, rather than admit their own mistakes and start solving them, accuse other people of their problems, thereby shifting responsibility for their lives to everyone except themselves. This is a dead end. You can’t get out of it until you start to understand what happened. In other words, you need to clarify for what reason it all happened, and what exactly you did wrong. It is pointless to blame circumstances or other people.

This custom essay sample about problem solution formulates the step-by-step actions for the problems’ solving


To cope with a problem, you need to be able to concentrate on it. This is not an easy task, but a feasible one. To concentrate on something, a person needs to put things in order in his head and throw out all useless thoughts. After prioritization of the thoughts and putting everything in order, start to study your problem carefully and consistently.

Many difficulties disappear even at this stage of working on them when no solutions are needed, and no action is necessary. It is enough just to concentrate on your difficulties and understand what exactly they are, what they were called, and what lesson you need to learn from all that. So concentration is very important, it will help you not to mix your thoughts altogether.


You need to analyze the situation in which you are, as well as make an analysis of those actions that you have accomplished. You need to understand why you have come to this situation and then analyze the difficulties that you have encountered.

After analyzing the situation, you will immediately understand its regularity, and therefore you will be able to eliminate the root cause of your problems. The difficulties themselves always tell us how to overcome them, if we carefully study them. How to do it? By studying the causal connection. It is possible, on the contrary, to study the cause-effect relationships, it is not so important what it is primary, and what is secondary.

Thus, the analysis will allow a person to split a situation into those time periods from which it has developed, and find the main reason that led to this situation.


The next thing we need to pay attention to while trying to overcome difficulties and solve various kinds of problems is that a person does not need to blame anyone. Friends can be useful for psychological relaxation and to complaining about problems, but it teaches a person to put up with difficulties, instead of overcoming them.

If a person does not overcome the difficulties but reconciles with them, he or she deprives them of meaning. Difficulties arise in a person’s life, not for complaining but for overcoming. Life gives difficulties for the people to become stronger, so that they develop, so that they take a worthy place in society, so that it all trains human beings through trials.


Controlling emotions is also an important point in overcoming difficulties. Emotions push us to the most primitive actions, to the most obvious decisions, to absolutely unreasoned actions. Because of this, we make mistakes, thereby not solving, but exacerbating our problems.

Emotions are inevitable and, moreover, necessary, but they need to be controlled. The main thing is to include your thinking when emotions begin to overwhelm, and for this, you need to load yourself with questions, and of course, start looking for answers to them.

After that, the process of thinking will start. Having reduced your emotions, you can significantly simplify your solution of the problems and tasks facing you. We can make mountains out of molehills, sometimes seeing the difficulties and problems in what they really are not.


Undoubtedly, self-confidence contributes to the solution of all the problems that can only arise in our lives, and it also contributes to the overcoming of life’s difficulties accordingly. Life always throws us only such difficulties that we can overcome. It has no goal to break a person.

Nevertheless, the law of the survival of the fittest has not been canceled. If you want to survive, you must be strong. To be strong, you must put yourself under physical, mental and intellectual strain. So, the difficulties that arise in our lives load us moderately. Therefore, even if you are a person unsure of yourself, be at least sure that you are quite able to overcome the difficulties that you face in your life.

Confidence means that all the trials that life puts you, you can go through. Difficulties are prescribed to you by a life according to an individual prescription. Therefore, they are to your speed, do not doubt it. But if you also develop self-confidence, it will be fine.

So, every person feels equal to overcome difficulties, whatever they were. You just need to accustom yourself to this, and then you will not even notice many difficulties and problems, because they will not give you any discomfort. You will start to solve them with your brain on autopilot. This is called unconscious competence, when everything is as it should, without any tension.

To sum up, let’s once again remember all those basic steps that need to be taken to overcome various life difficulties. First of all, you need to change your attitude to difficulties, so that they do not frighten or suppress you, then analyze them, then develop a simple plan of action and proceed to its implementation. All the rest are procedures accompanying this process.

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